Thursday, March 26, 2015

UNIVERSITY OF THE GAMBIA: These Students Are A Shame!

I did not intend to blog about this but I was so embarrassed and disappointed that I have to scribble this in a rush.

I do not have any more details on the reported University of the Gambia Students protest than already out there BUT I'm so freaking ashamed that the students would allegedly cry over the Institution's move to raise the Quality Bar.

Already, there's been charges of the Country's highest Institution of learning turned into a political propaganda chip by the government, where QUANTITY is favored over QUALITY. Evidently, we've seen a good chunk of them speak and write horrible English. This might not totally be the University's fault because over the years, high school results have been abysmally poor. So when those are the ones admitted into the University, they're instituting and encouraging Mediocrity! And these Students want to maintain just that. Simple! And that's a shame!

Look, I'm am Not an excellent student. But a lot of folks went through the University of The Gambia, proceeded to pursue post graduate degrees in prestigious Universities. Those who went to colleges in the US had their transcripts evaluated to the US equivalent by the World Education Services. So we want nothing more than a better, quality University education in the Gambia. Not some fucking subpar Institution, producing embarrassing brains.

All over the world, MOST colleges have a standard grading scale where excellence is HARD attain. 80 must NEVER be a 4.0 ANYWHERE. Period! So let these Students roll their damn sleeves and get to work, unless when they're comfortable with inferior education.

For once, I hope the authorities never waver. This shit is already too embarrassing!

If you were to ever demonstrate, let it be for a genuine cause. Protest over lack of resources, proper courses, abuse/injustice in the country, over what happened to Sait Matty and Minah Manneh, or over Prof Kah vs Kumbo Touray. Or even over stipend raise. For God's sake, you all need to be ashamed and take several seats already!


Still, Peace To The Planet!