Thursday, October 19, 2023


Not a disclaimer but I want to draw a delineation between America as a COUNTRY/STATE and the PEOPLE here.  This argument for the most part is confined to the COUNTRY and the political leadership, which I'm aware are elected by the American people.  I'm not making a case for plausible deniability for the electorate, it is an argument against the terrible decisions of American politicians. 'American People' are largely great humans but America as a Political Entity IS HORRENDOUS.

America, arguably, is the best democracy in the world by far, but let's not act like this country does not have the most terrible history of criminality by way of mass murder, oppression and subjugation in human history. Indelible drip of human blood all over it. The blood and suffering of people all around the world, including her own.

So it's not coincidence that every American President for a damn near century, stood by Israel and the Jews, in the name of 'America's Interest'. What's America's interest in supporting Israel amidst the uncountable, unending terror and human suffering of the Palestinian people with impunity? We know Israel's interest in this relationship.

For decades, Israel has occupied, oppressed, killed and forcefully relocated Palestinians out of their homes, condemning the people of Gaza to what is a modern-day concentration camp for 18 years. This is the the background that needs to be understood and acknowledged, even where not appreciated, to be the birth of the continuous killing on both sides.

Most Americans read and know their history through television (and now social media), so one could excuse them for missing the genesis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What no decent human soul could be excused for is the dismissal or unalloyed support of the calculated human suffering of the Palestinian MUSLIMS and CHRISTIANS for decades. All supported and sponsored by American tax money.

The one-sided aggression and targeted annihilation of Palestinian MUSLIMS and CHRISTIANS by ISRAEL has very little religious dimension to it to be characterized as MUSLIMS vs JEWS. It is all about ZIONISM that's been guised, presented as anything but that.

Whereas Israel is a created State borne out of the Nazis' persecution and mass murder of Jews in Europe after the Holocaust, that sympathy for Jews cannot be a carte blanche for Israel and its Jewish majority to wreck human havoc on Palestinians, and still enjoy unconditional support.

The newest students of the history of this human catastrophe ONLY saw the Hamas deadly attack on Israel on October 7, where several people got killed. Those people are justifying Israel's bombardment of Gaza, with no consideration of the mismatched proportionality. HAMAS as Political entity has an armed group, a sect, whose sins and barbarity must not be transferred to ALL Palestinians. That's collective punishment, a violation of International Law. Israel's apartheid regime in Gaza and West Bank is sponsored, encouraged and sustained by the United States. And President Biden's unconscionable, conditional support in Israel's genocidal attack is abhorrent, despicable, hypocritical. Every American President, really.

Why is it always understandable for Israel to defend itself but the Palestinians who are prisoners in their own homes do not? Why must the world understand and stand by Israel for the October 7 attack but refusing to bat an eye at Israel's continuous occupation of PALESTINE for decades? To a point that NO ONE can have any opinion about Israel and the Jews unless it is flattering? For what the Jews claimed happened to them during the Holocaust, one would think they'd be the first to refuse any form of human oppression, subjugation and mass murder. BUT NO! They are encouraging the razing, forced relocation and extermination of a 2 million people in the name of self defense.



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