Monday, January 9, 2017


ECOWAS allowing Senegal to take the lead in any possible military intervention in the Gambia to ensure the will of the Gambians is enforced should the Rebel leader Jammeh choose to continue his treasonous buffoonery, is both apt and strategic. Senegal by virtue of our geography, would understand the terrain and other dynamics.

Yaya Jammeh's Army are not going to war. No army, wins a war against determined citizens backed by regional forces, especially when that Army is not only divided but has no incentive to fight. Why would the Gambia National Army fight for Jammeh? Let him don the military fatigue and go lead his platoon of rebels in battle. Let him 'wipe them out the world map' himself.

I'm sure ECOWAS are factoring in all things including collateral cost. But I hope they measuredly descend on Banjul, KIDNAP and EXTRACT Yaya without a shot fired. Or one bullet to his spine that wouldn't kill him. Shouldn't be that hard.


First published 12/23/2016

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