Monday, September 12, 2016


My Political Idol in the Gambia has been Ousainou DARBOE. There's NOT a more democrat and decent human to grace our political scene. I have Hon. Kemeseng Jammeh, Femi Peters as role models whose DNAs I'd wish I have a piece of. These gentlemen are selfless patriots of the highest pedigree.

Muslims today honor the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his soon as an act of submission to God. The Eid celebration is a great tradition in the Muslim world, Gambia especially. But we cannot let its essence - honor of sacrifice, not for self - escape us.

While most Gambians are with their families, even if not enough to celebrate, there are families whose loved ones were/are murdered, disappeared, incarcerated or exiled by their Government and President not because they are criminals but for their resistance and opposition to tyranny and injustice. LET'S REMEMBER THEM.

Unlike some African countries (Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Namibia) where Independence struggle was costly in sweat and blood, the Gambia in comparison, earned their Independence on a silver platter. My little reading of the country's history did not tell me a Gambian murdered for his/her struggle for Independence from British rule. Or in an attempt to change the First Republic. For an Independent nation, supposedly Democratic with multiple political parties, the last two decades have been worse than the British and PPP rule combined.

Yaya Jammeh and his A(F)PRC regime are a violent, criminal entity determined to silence any dissent to the extent of killing them. The latest have been the broad day murder of Solo Sandeng and Krumang, the torture and humiliation of women (Fatoumatta Jawara, Nogoi Njie, Fatou Camara, Sukai Dahaba) and the persecution and imprisonment of Lawyer Darboe, Kemeseng Jammeh, Femi Peters, Lamin Dibba et al. Therefore, my respect for the figures risking it all to see that meaningful change (second Independence) from oppression and servitude, is up there at neck level with those who earned us our freedom in 1965, if not more. To deny them that honor or Not acknowledge them would be disingenuous.

Let's fight for country and the freedom of all political prisoners, prisoners of conscience, But most importantly those whose lives were cut short in this cause. Theirs WERE/ARE a sacrifice. Those taken away from their families and denied the right to worship and proper healthcare, are our heroes. I pray and hope that all efforts are lumped into anything and everything, that would abort and dissipate the yoke of oppression, repression, servitude and murder in December. The Gambia is on a lifeline and it's everyone's responsibility to rescue her. In that rescue mission, any Gambian seen to derail that in any way must receive our collective counsel and condemnation. Change at all cost in December must be our mission.

Eid Kareem to YOU and the World.

***** The End*****

Pata PJ
September 12, 2016

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