Thursday, May 12, 2016


This floored me. I found my cheeks soaked in tears reading a Court affidavit of this woman Nogoi Njie who was only part of peaceful protesters, arrested and tortured in a fashion that premedieval barbarians wouldn't subject their enemies to. This cannot be Gambia.

How do you treat a woman who could have been your mother, aunty, sister and daughter or mine like this only because you thought they belong to the UDP? Yaya Jammeh, born to a woman, married to one and having a daughter is subjecting women political opponents to rape and humiliation as form of torture. Overpowering a woman and assaulting her in groups isn't manly. As a matter of fact, this is evidence that these animals would jump their mothers and rape them for Jammeh, intoxicated or not.

Sadly, these animals are our people. They are Gambians. Let's quit excusing them with 'oh they're non-Gambians from Cassamance' cos they're NOT. We live in the same homes with these bastards, work and hang out with them. If I'm in that room and saw a non Gambian torturing and raping women and I did nothing about it, I'm complicit. The said Mr Jeng that she'd identified, is a part of them. So was the interrogators and the Doctor who examined them. They knew them all.  This cannot be Gambia.

Where is Solo Sandeng? From Nogoi's narration of what she'd witnessed, only confirms our suspicion that the poor man was murdered. And we watch as a nation! As a people! Solo and these poor women did a honorable thing for our nation and we are betraying them. I'm ashamed and disgusted.

Clearly, Lawyer Darboe and his executive had credible information about what these people had been subjected to. They need not be UDP members for any man with conscience to be disgusted and want to do something about it. And my understanding is that Darboe had consulted or at least informed his colleagues in other parties before he took to the streets. What are we seeing from them? What do we hear from them? I'm ashamed. We can say the Gambia's 'crusade' is an all-Gambian fight but this particular 'BATTLE' is a UDP affair. WE have left it to them. Yaya and his criminals are treating them like animals cos of their affiliation with the YELLOW Color. And I'm going on a limp to say that ALL other party leaders know that, but it doesn't concern them. I SAID IT! They could not even come out with a strong statement of condemnation, even after hearing, seeing this in court! This is a Shame.

The Gambia will burn, and it will be Yaya and his cronies making. These women came from homes and they have families. If the state is failing to protect them and WE as a people watch them endure  humiliation and death, it becomes an obligation on their families and their party to defend them AT ALL COST. The perpetrators of these horrendous acts have families. They have mothers, wives, sisters and daughters. AN EYE FOR AN EYE is justified. Subject their families to the same fate! If Asombi, Zainab Jammeh and any of Yaya's family should get raped and killed, it is going to be understandable. That's what, where we've gotten to. THIS cannot be Gambia, BUT it IS Gambia. I'm sad, disgusted and ashamed, and I understand today than ever before why Darboe was almost in tears and wanted 'to go where solo is'. That is what stood him out and apart from the rest.

While I sympathise with Nogoi and these women, I'm proud of her courage to narrate their ordeal and expose the criminal enterprise in Gambia and their ways. We cannot and must not stomach this barbarity.

Pata PJ

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