Friday, June 19, 2015

JAMMEH SEEKS TO LEGALLY MURDER.... Thanks To The National Assembly.

As if the Gambians dying of curable diseases, in the prisons, fleeing the Economic hardship and political persecution to die in the Mediterranean as they hit the high seas to enter Europe aren't enough, the Gambian State wants to Murder more Gambians.

The Government Gazetted a Bill seeking to amend section 18 of the 1997 Constitution that abolished Death Penalty, unless if Violence or Toxic substance leads to the death of a person. Pretty reasonable, right? Nah, not according to Yaya Jammeh. They're seeking to amend that to fit the bill to send more Gambians to the Slaughter, 'as prescribed by law'.

Knowing how they'd unsuccessfully attempted this in 2010/11 to have included Drug related offences, Yaya and his lawmakers won't relent until they get their ways. Of course YOU know the Assembly would pass that bill and it will be put to Gambians in a referendum since it's an entrenched clause. YOU need not have any level of IQ to project that outcome. Asking an oppressed people to vote 'YES' or 'NO' is crazy.

What's dangerous and worrying is arming a reason-deprived, cocaine-head president who is so infatuated with killing and murder, that he knows how not to make his point across without threatening to kill. What's at risk here is, EVERY LIFE (Gambian or otherwise) in that Country. Jammeh's perceived enemies, economic crimes, false information charges, silly felony crimes could have you before a firing squad if they succeeded in amending this law. Yaya for some reason seems to always need blood, so he's running to Gambians to give him a passport to murder just so he quenches his thirst, knowing he's GUARANTEED To die a Violent Death. Otherwise, why would he insist on qualifying more people for capital punishment?

The National Assembly are ready to become Murderers without pulling a gun trigger. They're your fathers, mothers, uncles, Aunts, brothers and sisters. And friends. Each one reach one. Tell them to not agree to be complicit in ruining that country only because they want to prove political loyalty. They can't claim to not have been admonished that their pens and seats might end up killing them if they don't play right.

Peace To The Planet!

Shawm Monday!

Pata PJ

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